About us

What is Fauna Tropica?

The main focus of Fauna Tropica is to provide good information about tropical animals, such as many different fish species, amphibians, spiders and insects.
In addition, we have a small webshop with the best products that we also use to keep and breed all our animals.

We want to inform and educate interested people about animals in their nature, how to keep them and how to breed them. We try to put as much personal experience from work and hobby in our posts as possible. This to provide our followers with real information that can help them to successful maintain the shown animals. In addition, we try to produce good quality photos, which can help identify certain species, differentiate between sexes or see how youngsters develop. This way we can combine two great hobbies of both of us: animals and photography

It can’t be overseen, that especially plecos (Loricariidae) play a center role in Fauna Tropica, as these armored catfish are the focus of our hobby. Nonetheless, we want to share all our experiences we could and can make with other tropical animals we care for. Next to the tropical fish, amphibians (frogs) and insects, such as praying mantis, are also shown on our website and blog posts.

Where is Fauna Tropica located?

Fauna Tropica was created and is built up in the Netherlands and Austria. We decided to use the English language for our website and posts, since it’s the common language of the web and we intend to inform international and reach people all over the world. In addition to English, do not hesitate and feel free to contact us in Dutch and German.

Who is behind Fauna Tropica?

Where else can you find Fauna Tropica?

We provide the information on several platforms such as: