Scientific name: Pseudacanthicus serratus
Origin: South America / Suriname ~ Guyana / Paramaribo ~ Maroni River
Maximum length: 35 – 40 cm
Temperature: 26 – 31 ºC
Diet: Carnivore
- Taxonomy
- Description
- Distribution and habitat
- Diet
- Aquarium
- Sex difference
- Reproduction and breeding
- Literature
Order: Siluriformes
Suborder: Loricarioidei
Family: Loricariidae
Subfamily: Hypostominae
Genus: Pseudacanthicus
Species: Pseudacanthicus serratus, Valenciennes, 1840
Pseudacanthicus serratus reaches a size over 35 - 40 cm and is robust built pleco. The whole body is covered with pointy spikes, which can cause bleeding injuries when touched with bare hands. Like many other Pseudacanthicus spp. also P. serratus has rather large fins.
The overall body coloration of adult P. serratus is dark black. Youngsters show bright white spots, which dissappear the older the fish get. In rare occasions also adult specimens can show small white spots.
This species is territorial and defends a certain area around its main cave. Especially in between males and towards other big plecos aggressions can be seen.
Sometimes Pseudacanthicus pitanga "L24" gets wrongly labeled as Pseudacanthicus serratus, which is totally wrong, since appearance and catching location is totally different. Pseudacanthicus serratus was described rather early which is why it doen't have a L-number.
This pleco comes from Suriname and Guyana. There it is found around the region of Paramaribo and the Maroni River.
Its habitat consists of warm and soft water around 26 - 31°C and a pH of 5,5 - 7.
Pseudacanthicus serratus is a carnivore, although it is not a predator. Even though this species sometimes takes plant matter its main diet consists of animal proteins. In nature P. serratus mostly eats dead fish, crustaceans, worms and insects (larvae).
In captivity you can feed this fish with frozen, live and dried food. Our experience is that shrimps and mussel are a favourite. Protein rich granules are a good base food for P. serratus. Also, additional frozen krill and artemia can be given. It is good to sometimes also feed green food, in order to provide a well-balanced diet.
Sometimes it's necessary to feed this fish shortly before the lights go out. Even though it's a big pleco, it tends to be shy and prefers to eat when it's dark.
As previously mentioned, this fish gets huge and therefore needs a lot of space when grown out. Especially adults shouldn't be kept in tanks under 150 cm length. This fish swims a lot during night. Even though it seems a bit inactive over the day.
Very important is a good lid for the aquarium, since Pseudacanthicus spp. push themselves sometimes far above the water surface. Uncalm behaviour can often be seen when the pleco has gill worms. This leads the fish to jump, swim fast or reach for air outside of the water.
The aquarium water should have a temperature of 26 - 31 °C and should be neutral to slightly acidic. Good ventilation with an air stone and a good filtration are necessary to keep the fish healthy.
It is possible to keep P. serratus together with other big fish or pleco species.
Depending on how many other plecos there are in the tank, it should be structured well, to avoid to many territory conflicts. Pseudacanthicus species stay calmer in over-crowded aquarium, which is only possible when there is a big and efficient filter running, that can deal with the massive load of bio mass. Meat eaters produce a lot of ammonia, which can be lethal in to high doses.
It is possible to make a good structure with different big caves, driftwood and big rocks. Everything should be installed in a way that the P. serratus can't toss it over or falls when being digged under. This species digs a lot and enjoys therefore a lot of substrate like sand or gravel.
Light is not necessary. Dimmed light helps to see this shy fish more often over the day.
Sex difference of Pseudacanthicus serratus comes soon.
Pseudacanthicus serratus has only been a few times successful bred in captivity and is rather dificult to do. It is a cave spawner, where the male takes care of the eggbatch till the larvae hatch and use up their yolk sac.
Valenciennes, A. (1840). In: Cuvier, G., & Valenciennes, A. (1840).
Histoire naturelle des poissons, Tome quinzième. Suite du livredix-septième. Siluroïdes. v. 15: i-xxxi + 1 - 540, Pls. 421 - 455
Kaluza, M. (2020).
Recent imports: Aquarium-bred Pseudacanthicus serratus.
IG BSSW, Vol. 32: 3/2020