Discus spawning cone


1 in stock (can be backordered)


Discus spawning cone

Discus spawning cone is a special cone for breeding of discus. The cone is for the discus an easy object to lay their eggs on. Especially in empty tanks without roots or other objects.

The cones are made out of a light color clay (white or light yellow). This gives a clear contrast with the parents. In breeding time discus fish will color darker/black and produce a skin secretion which the young fish eat in the first few days. The darker kin attracts the youngsters to the skin of the parents.
Due to the light-colored cone, it makes it easy for the youngsters to attract towards the parents.


Material and manufacturing

The discus spawning cone is, like all our breeding caves, a handmade product and manufactured from fired clay (1090 °C). Therefore small differences in size and appearance are possible. Of course it is taken care that the outside measurements fit the ordered product.
Due to the nature of the material, the surface of the cone is slightly rough, which benefits the adhesive characteristics of most eggs without damaging the egg shells.

What size is the cone?

Height approx. 24 cm
Diameter bottom approx. 11 cm

There are two different variations of the discus spawning cones to order. This one and the Discus spawning cone with fringe.


In addition, it is also possible to order other sizes or color of the cone. So if you have special requests please contact us!



Delivered per: 1 piece
Delivery time: 1 – 3 working days*


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