Fish transport bags 30 x 60 cm


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Fish transport bags 30 x 60 cm. These bags are special made to safely transport fish.
The bag has rounded corners. This is to prevent that the fish get stuck in the corners of the bag. This is possible to happen when the air gets less and the bag because of this, collapses a bit.

Those bigger bags are usable for bigger fish like discus, big plecos, etc.
For smaller fish we have the Fish transport bags 20 x 50 cm.

To prevent leaks, we advise to use double bags, so two bags over each other. Especially with discus and spiky plecos it will happen often that they damage the inside bag. The second, outside one holds then the water and air.


How do I use the transport bags?

– Fill the bag with 1/3 of aquarium water or tapwater (be careful with tap water that it is the same temperature, 50/50 aquarium- and tap water is also possible)
– Put the fish into the bag.
– Let all the air out of the bag and fill the bag with pure oxygen. **
– Close the bag with a rubber band, tyraps or something else what closes the bag really good.
– It’s smart to put a second bag around the filled bag for leaking.
** With some fish, for example like Betta’s, you don’t use pure oxygen.

Available fish transport bags:

20 x 50 cm
– 30 x 60 cm

Package information:

Size: 30 x60 cm
Thickness: 80 MU
Type: Round corners

You have to store them in a dry place. Avoid sharp things which can damage the bags.



Delivery time: 1 – 3 working days*

Additional information


1 piece, 100 pieces, 250 pieces


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