Superfish easy breeding box


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Superfish easy breeding box

✓ Own circulation system
✓ Circulation of water from the same aquarium
✓ Hangs on the outside of the aquarium, no loss of space
✓ Adjustable for different thicknesses of glass
✓ Suitable for fresh and salt water aquariums
✓ Suitable for all types of fish

The Superfish easy breeding box ensure that the eggs and/or newborn fish are safely separated from other aquarium inhabitants. Also suitable for isolating sick, weakened or aggressive fish.


What is a Superfish easy breeding box?

This breeding box is a special box which you can hang on your aquarium. They have a lid and feature an elegant and clear exterior. The big advantage of these breeding boxes is that the water in the breeding box has the same water values as the main aquarium because the water circulation comes from the aquarium. This box is the biggest with 2 liter capacity.

As well as being perfect for separating juvenile fish, the breeding boxes can also be used for breeding, growing, etc. of aquarium animals such as plecos, shrimps or viviparous fish.

The breeding boxes from Superfish are available in 2 different variants.

Material and manufacturing

The Superfish easy breeding box consists of a plexiglass box with integrated suspension system and 4 adjustable spacers. In addition, it has a lid, 2 different sized partitions, an air lifter and an air valve to regulate the amount of air value.

The 2 different sized partitions have a fine structure so that the dirt can easily pass through. But the fry or young fish can not. Depending on the size of the fish, you can choose the fine or the slightly coarser partition.

Required accessories for use:

Air pump
Air hose

What is the size of the Superfish easy breeding box?

The size is 17 x 13 x 13 cm. The content is 1,2 liter.



Delivered per: 1 piece
Delivery time: 1 – 3 working days*


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