Floating breeding ring with air lifter


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Floating breeding ring with air lifter

✓ Floating; When changing the water, the ring will lower together with the water level.
✓ Dismountable which makes it easy to clean or exchange parts
✓ Powerful air lifter, good circulation
✓ Overflow protection
✓ Plexiglass ring; the fish are clearly visible
✓ Square floating ring; easy to place in a corner of the aquarium
✓ Adjustable hanging bracket
✓ Very quiet
✓ Material: Plastic/pvc; long-life product
✓ Doesn’t give off any substances
✓ Available in different sizes

This breeding ring with air lifter is the most used breeding box/ring in the aquarium hobby. It has really good results in raising plecos, Corydoras and other fish.


What is a floating breeding ring with air lifter?

Floating breeding ring with air lifter is a specially developed product for raising Plecos-, Corydoras- and other baby fish.
Because a lot of fish tend to eat their own eggs or larvae, it is sometimes necessary to separate them from the parents or the other fish in the aquarium. The advantage is, that the young fish or larvae remain in the aquarium of the parents and thus in the breeding water but stay separated so that the parents cannot harm the offspring. Targeted feeding of the young fish is also easier possible in a breeding ring.

The breeding ring is designed in such a way that a regular water change by an air lift is guaranteed. In addition there is an overflow protection in the swimming ring. The water is transported from the aquarium into the breeding ring by an air pump operated air lifter and filter sponge. The flow can be adjusted with an air valve.

Material and manufacturing

The breeding ring consists of a plexiglass tube, a floating ring, an air lifter with sponge filter, a hanging bracket and a fine mesh at the bottom. This floating ring contains a mesh of 153 mµ, so even freshly hatched brine shrimp nauplii aren’t able to pass trough the mesh.
As with the air lifters, nothing is glued to the breeding rings. Even the mesh is only attached with a plastic clip-on ring.
It is always possible to exchange the mesh and replace it with a new one or one with a bigger mesh size.

Required accessories for use:

Air pump
Air hose

Available diameter size:

– 100 mm
– 100 mm with transparante ring of 15cm high
– 150 mm
– 150 mm with transparante ring of 15cm high

Available floating breeding rings:

Floating breeding ring with air stone
– Floating breeding ring with air lifter


In addition, it is also possible to order separated parts of the floating breeding rings.
If you have special requests please contact us!


Delivered per: 1 piece
Delivery time: 3 – 5 working days*

Additional information


100 mm, 100 mm high, 150 mm, 150 mm high


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