Catappa seeds


45 in stock (can be backordered)



Catappa seeds are the seeds from the tropical Terminalia catappa tree.
They are also known as Ketapang-, Almond-, Terminalia- or Sea Almond Tree seeds. The seed of the fruit is edible when fully ripe and resembles and tastes like almond.

The Terminalia catappa tree can grow to circa 35 – 40 meters high and is found in the tropical regions of Asia, Australia, Africa and South America. Also the catappa leaves, which are also often used in the aquarium hobby, come from this tree.

Besides it looks really natural in the aquarium, it is also a really good food for shrimps.


How do I let grow the seeds?

– Let the catappa seeds soak in aquarium water for a week or 2.
– Try to peel off as much as possible from the soft flesh around the hard seed. This is mainly to prevent fungus growth.
– Plant the catappa seed with the pointy side on top into a pot with 50/50 mixture of soil and sand. The seed should look 1/3 out of the soil.
– Keep the substrate moist but not too wet. Prevent drying out of the substrate and the seed. Put the planted seed on a sunny and warm spot, optimal is 18 – 30 °C.
– Sprouting takes up around 6 weeks to 3 months.

The Terminalia Catappa normally loses its leaves twice a year. The tree gets “flowers” with different male and female flowers on the same tree. Both are 1 cm in diameter, white to greenish, inconspicuous with no petals.


– The tree grows best on sandy soil.
– Keep the roots moister, not too wet.
– Don’t let the tree dry out.
– The catappa tree is not winterhard, so never keep him under 10 °C.
– Twice a year the leaves will get red/brown and fall off. The tree is not going to die when this happens  😉


Because it is a natural product, they can vary in shape and size. Each piece is unique. The seeds are dry stored.



Delivered per: 1 piece
Delivery time: 1 – 3 working days*


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