Manaus Trichosal


3 in stock (can be backordered)



Manaus Trichosal; effective treatment against bacterial and fungal infections and skin parasites in aquariums

Trichosal is a very effective medicine of the brand Manaus. It works against bacterial and fungal infections of the skin, as well as skin parasites. The pathogens are Flexibactercolumnaris, Saprolegnia, Achlya, Trichodina, Chilodonella, Costia and also Oodinium.

As a precaution, you should remove ornamental snails (e.g. Helena snails and zebra snails) from the aquarium before starting the treatment.


How do I know my fish is sick?

Making the correct diagnosis is often the success for a quick healing. Many fish diseases are highly contagious and spread quickly in the aquarium water. It is therefore very important that you can treat the fish quickly. There are mostly early signs to warn you if something is not okay with your fish, only you have to recognize them.

Skin: the skin is the first protection and defense system and shows usually also the first signs of a disease or deficiency due to an infection. You should keep a close eye on any discoloration.
Fins: pay attention to the fins. When the fish keeps his fins close to the body than this is often an indication of a disease or deficiency. Especially with viviparous fish.
Swimming behavior: Unusual swimming or wiggling behavior can be characteristic for the presence of a disease.

Symptoms above mentioned parasites:

Bacteria: white spots on the mouth, ragged fins, reddish ulcers on the skin.
Fungus: light, cotton wool-like formations on the skin and on the eggs of the fish.
Skin parasites: velvet-like coating on the fish, very small light dots on the skin and the fins.

Which fish can I treat with Trichosal?

– Freshwater fish

How do I use Trichosal?

Standard dosage:
1st day: Waterchange 50% before starting the treatment, 1ml per 40 liter of aquarium water.
2th day: 1ml per 40 liter of aquarium water.
In severe cases:
3th and 5th day: 1ml per 40 liters aquarium water.


The aquarium filter must be switched on during the treatment. In addition, it is important that there is good circulation of the water in the aquarium by means of air stones. Also let the filter outlet ensure optimal movement of the water surface so that the medicines are optimally distributed throughout the aquarium.

* Read leaflet before use.

** During the treatment, no active filter media (such as activated carbon, nitrate resin, etc.) may be used in the filter. This is to prevent the medicines from being filtered out of the aquarium.

If there is cloudiness during the treatment of the aquarium water due to bacterial blooms and a related lack of oxygen, the treatment should be interrupted by a major water change of 80%.

Available Manaus Trichosal size:

– 100 ml
– 300 ml
The flask of 100 ml is for up to 2000 liters of aquarium water.

Available Manaus products:

– Bilocil
Bilocil Sensitive
– Cypricil
– Trichosal
– Diploral
– Purifol waterconditioner

Store frost-free and on a dry place in the original package. Flask which are open you can use up.



Delivered per: 1 piece
Delivery time: 1 – 3 working days*

Additional information


100 ml, 300 ml


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